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Sacro Monte Santuario di Oropa

13900 - OROPA (BI)

In the Basilica Antica, realized at the beginning of the 17th century, the Black Madonna was, according to tradition, venerated, carried and hidden by S. Eusebio. Simple and majestic it is kept in a sacellum decorated with splendid frescoes of the 14th century.

Orpora's second church, after 2 centuries of plans and works, was consecrated in 1960: with a dome of more than 80 metres, it rises at an altitude of 1,200 metres and can hold 3.000 believers. Prestigious architects contributed to its realization: Filippo Juvarra, Guarino Guarini, Pietro Beltramo and others.

Buildings, cloisters and a solemn staircase that leads to the Royal Door complete the monumental structure.

Outside the walls of the place of worship, the evocative Sacred Mountain stands out, formed by 19 chapels. Built in 1871, the imposing cemetery stretches skywards, rich of important mausoleums, among which the one with a pyramid shape of the statesman Quintino Sella.


In Basilica
Weekday Masses: 8:00 – 9:3010:30 – 16:3018:15 – 19:00
Saturday and Eves: 16:30 – 18:15
Sunday and public holidays: 8:00 – 9:3010:30 – 15:0018:15 – 19:00

In The New Church

Sunday and public holidays: 11:30 – 16:30





Madonna Nera di Oropa

Sacro Monte di Oropa

Interno dell’ultima cappella

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