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Tempio di don Bosco

The temple is situated on the Hill where, in 1815, San Giovanni Boscowas born, who dedicated his life and his works to the young people in difficulty.

The History

Founder of the oratories and, in 1854, of the Silesian society, Don Bosco had his first apparition at the age of nine where, in a dream, he foresaw his future mission: to help and to educate difficult children. The sanctuary was built for want of the Silesians at the end of the Second World War, and the first stone was placed in 1961. The entire structure was realized in just a few years, but only since 1984 has it been completely fit to be used.      

The Sanctuary

The temple, designed by the engineer Enea Ronca and architect Rubatto, is composed of two overlapped churches, both of them very large, and a dome.
The superior church, of modern line, contains a big pipe organ, and in the bottom wall, over the presbytery, is located the wooden statue of our risen Saviour Christ, a work of the sculptor Corrado Piazza, of the enterprise Demets of Ortisei. Made of lime tree wood and 8 metres high, the statue represents the call by premonitory dream that Don Bosco had when he was a child.
In the side aisles the fourteen sculptures of the “ via lucis”are arranged, these also made of lime tree wood; realized by Giovanni Dragoni. The statues describe the manifestations of the risen Christ up to the descent of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost. The iconographies, however, are by the painter Mario Bogani di Feganò. He is the author of six paintings that illustrate, in a unified and comprehensible manner, some fundamental episodes of the life and the activities of Don Bosco for the young people.
Moreover, the painter realized a great fresco, placed at the top of flight of steps that leads to the Superior Temple, which represents the young people of all the world entrusted to Don Bosco, thanks to a composition of faces. On the three external sides of the sanctuary three mosaics are placed, they too a work of Mario Mogani, ever representing Don Bosco.                                                        The crypt, which reminds of the birthplace of Don Bosco, contains the relic of the Saint.                   The lower church, rather, includes ten side chapels and ten altars, made up of stained-glass windows that reproduce the Saints of the Silesian tradition.


Hours: 7:00-12:00; 14:00-18:00

Holy Masses:
Morning: weekdays 7:00-8:00-11.00 weekends 8:00-9:30-11:00
Afternoon: 16:00 – 17:15 (winter) 17:00 – 18:15 (summer)
Holiday Eve Mass: 16:00 (winter); 17:00 (summer)

Confession Hours:
Daily: 9:00-12:00; 15:00-18:00

Sito ufficiale: www.colledonbosco.it

Mamma Margherita

Casa dell’infanzia


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