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The Holy See and Unity

The intensification of the commitment of the Holy See to re-establish relationships with the other Christian Churches, broken for more than a thousand years, goes back to the first few years of the Sixties. The Secretariat for the Pontifical Council for promoting Christian Unity was in fact created in June 1960 by John XXIII, together with the Commissions whose role was to pray for the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. On January 14th, 1963 of the following year, the Pope ordered that the pontifical Council "should include in its staff two sections, one western and the other oriental". After the Council, the Body was confirmed by Paul VI who reconfirmed its structure, specifying relevant purposes and competences, extending these latter also to the issues regarding Judaism. For this purpose, on 22 October 1974, an appropriate Commission was established with the aim of promoting and stimulating religious relationships between the Jewish and the Catholics. The Pastor Bonus Apostolic Constitution of the 28 June 1988, reaffirming the contents and aims, changed the title of the Secretariat for the Union of Christians to the current one of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity.

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