They are the doctrinal foundations and the practices that aim to repair the divisions in the unity of the Christians, according to the Evangelical dictation written by John: ("that they may all be one": John, 17, 20).
Born in the ambit of a number of Protestant confessions , he leaned towards all Christian confessions. In Catholicism, we find him in the initial trust of John XXIII who in 1960 established the Secretariat for the unity of the Christians (today called Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity), and in the Second Vatican Council, in the Unitatis redintegratio decree of 1964, for the adherence and interest of Catholics to Ecumenism.
Jesus founds the religion
From 1948, orthodox diplomats and from 1968, catholic diplomats have been absolving the assemblies of the world-wide Council of Churches. In the Eighties, the Ecumenical movement found a new opening of communications with the "dialog among religions" mainly with Judaism and subsequently with Islamism which became the third greatest monotheist religion in order to expand still more using dialog with the Oriental and animistic religions.
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